Cooperating in Myanmar Education Quality Improvement Programme (My-EQIP)

Officers and staffs form Department of Monitoring and Evaluation (Education) are cooperating in Monitoring and Evaluation Core Team (M&E Core Team) of My-EQIP in the activities of developing Departmental Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Department Annual Implementation Plan, and Distributing Monitoring and Evaluation Glossary by two languages (Myanmar and English). In 2008 May 14 to 18, Officers from DM&E (Edu) attended in Quality Assurance through Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation Workshops held in Philippine. In 2018 May 8, Officers from DM&E (Edu) attended in 2018 M&E Diagnostics Process Workshop. Officers and staffs form Department of Monitoring and Evaluation (Education) are cooperating in Communication Strategy Task Team (CSTT) of My-EQIP in the activities of developing Communication Glossary, Survey concerning with Education Newsletter and developing communication strategy, cooperating in Research Team in the activities of developing Social Inclusion Stakeholders Mapping Action Plan and consulting research activities. Moreover, Staff form DM&E (Education) are cooperating in School Quality Assurance Standard Framework (SQASF) Team in the activities of collecting data from all departments under MOE, developing framework, conducting state/ regional level workshops, developing framework guideline and   Facilitator Guidelines, developing school quality improvement plan templates, piloting framework in Basic Education Schools, and going SQASF Process Monitoring Trip. Our Staff are also cooperating in Social Inclusion Team of My-EQIP in the activities of developing Social Inclusion Practical Approach Handbook and conducting social inclusion trainings in order to integrate social inclusion in developing DAIP, M&E Plan and conducting SQASF and SQIP activities.